Gratification Control

PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur has a Gratification Control Guideline ratified through Directors' Decree Number: 76/DIR/IX/23 dated September 26th, 2023 concerning Guidelines for Gratification Control which is an amendment to Directors' Decree Number: 7/DIR/III.22 concerning Guidelines for Gratification Control of PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur.

The Board of Directors decree states:

  1. The PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Gratification Control Manual defines the Structure, Duties, and Obligations of PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Gratification Control Unit in attachment II
  2. The form of the PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Gratification Control Report in attachment III



Gratification is the activity and or acceptance of Gifts/Souvenirs and Entertainment, whether received domestically or abroad, executed through electronic means or without electronic means, and conducted by Insan Pupuk Kaltim related to his/her position in Pupuk Kaltim, thus may cause a conflict of interest that affects the independence, objectivity, and professionalism of Insan Pupuk Kaltim.

To actualize a trustful, transparent and accountable business management in Pupuk Kaltim, Pupuk Kaltim implements a firm attitude towards gratification control involving Insan Pupuk Kaltim, although throughout its business activities, gratification is something that may be difficult to avoid by Insan Pupuk Kaltim. This attitude is imperative to be cultivated in Pupuk Kaltim environment to allow Insan Pupuk Kaltim to consistently maintain their dignity during business relationship with Stakeholders.

A Gratification Control Guideline was developed in line with Pupuk Kaltim Management Manual, the Code of Conduct and values applicable to Pupuk Kaltim. The guidelines are structured as a gratification control between Insan Pupuk Kaltim with third parties during their business activities. The monitored activities include acceptance, gratification giving and request as well as management unit and reporting mechanism. Gratification control is very important for the company because it can cause a conflict of interest that may affect the independence, objectivity and professionalism of Insan Pupuk Kaltim, which may lead to criminal bribery and prompt legal consequences that potentially harm the company image.

Guidelines for Gratification Control of PT Pupuk Kaltim is stated in Directors Decree Number: 55/ DIR/X.2015. Guidelines for Gratification Control of PT Pupuk Kaltim is the main reference for the implementation of Gratification Control in PT Pupuk Kaltim. The Decree list the followings:

  1. Guidelines for Gratification Control of PT Pupuk Kaltim
  2. Structure and Authorized Duties of Gratification Control Unit (UPG) of PT Pupuk Kaltim
  3. Gratification Control Report Form of PT Pupuk Kaltim.

This Gratification Control Guidelines apply to Insan Pupuk Kaltim, which include Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Employees of PT Pupuk Kaltim. The aims and objectives of the Company's Gratification Control Guidelines include:

  1. Improve the understanding and compliance of all Insan Pupuk Kaltim to the provisions of gratification
  2. Establish a conscious and understandable Company environment in handling/controlling all forms of gratification
  3. As a Guideline for Insan Pupuk Kaltim to understand, prevent and overcome Gratification in the Company
  4. As a Guideline for Insan Pupuk Kaltim in taking a firm stance on Gratification in the Company to realize a good company management
  5. To actualize a Company management that is free of all forms of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN)
  6. To create a transparent and accountable environment which support the GCG within the Company.


Basic Principles of Pupuk Kaltim Gratification Control

1. Giving Gifts/Souvenirs and Entertainment All Pupuk Kaltim personnel are PROHIBITED, from providing, either directly or indirectly, giving gifts/souvenirs and/or entertainment to any party that has a business relationship with or is a competitor of PKT in exchange for information, or something that is not justified by applicable laws and regulations, or influence the party to do and/or not do something related to their position.

2. Receiving Gifts/Souvenirs and Entertainment All Pupuk Kaltim personel with their position and family members (core family), are PROHIBITED to receive directly or indirectly gifts/souvenirs and entertainment from any party who has a business relationship or a competitor of Pupuk Kaltim, which aims to obtain information, or something that is not justified by the applicable laws and regulations, or to influence the party to do or not to do something ralted to his/her position.

If any Pupuk Kaltim personnel are offered/given any gifts/souvenirs and entertainment that are not in accordance with the provisions stipulated in these Guidelines, they must politely REFUSE the said offer/gift, by explaining these policies and rules to the third party.

3. Requests for Gifts/Souvenirs and Entertainment (Sponsorship)
All Pupuk Kaltim personnel are advised, because of their position, not to make requests in order to maintain the Company's image to all Pupuk Kaltim external stakeholders and avoid the potential for fraud.


Protection of Reporting Entity

  1. The complainant of Gratification shall be entitled to obtain safeguards from the Company in the form of:
    • Protection from non-objective and detrimental or offensive personnel actions toward the Reporting Entity such as (but not limited to) downgrading of the rank of position, decrease of appraisal, proposals for assignment/mutation or other career barriers;
    • Mutation/ transfer to the Reporting Entity in the event of intimidation or physical threat to the complainant;
    • Legal assistance in accordance with applicable provisions in the Company.
  2. The safeguard measures referred to the number 1 (one) above are applied in the case of:
    • Intimidation, threats, discredit or other unusual treatment from both internal and external parties;
    • The Reporting Entity submits a written application to the Board of Directors through UPG.


Sanctions for Violations

Violation of the provisions written in the Gratification Control Guidelines will be subject to applicable criminal sanctions in the company and applicable legislation.

    • Pupuk Indonesia Customer Service:
    • 0800 100 8001 (Toll Free)
    • 0811 991 8001 (WhatsApp)
    • Gedung Graha Phonska, Lt. 4. Jalan Tanah Abang III, No. 116 Jakarta Pusat 10160

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