Pupuk Kaltim History

PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT) is one of the largest urea producers in Asia and was established on December 7, 1977. After starting as a floating fertilizer plant development plan managed by Pertamina, the management was transferred to the Ministry of Industry based on President Decree No. 43 year 1975, and based on President Decree No. 39 year 1976. In 2012, PKT became a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero).

Today, Pupuk Kaltim has 13 plants comprising 5 Ammonia plants with a capacity of 2.74 million tons/year, 5 Urea plants with a capacity of 3.43 million tons/year, and 3 NPK plants with a capacity of 300,000 tons/year. Aside from its 13 advanced technology plants, Pupuk Kaltim has other supporting facilities, including a coal boiler with a capacity of 560 tons/hour of steam, 6 warehouses with a capacity of 315,000 tons, 6 jetties with a capacity of 156,000 DWT, 3 ammonia tanks with a capacity of 102 tons, and an ISO/ICE 17025:2017-accredited laboratory.


"Perusahaan berskala global yang berdaya saing tinggi dalam industri agrosolusi, kimia dan petrokimia yang terintegrasi".


  • Menjalankan bisnis di bidang solusi agrikultur, kimia, dan petrokimia yang terintegrasi, bertumbuuh serta berdaya saing tinggi di tingkat global;
  • Meningkatkan nilai perushahaan melalui bisnis inti dan pengembangan bisnis baru dengan mengoptimalkan ekonomi ekonomi sirkular yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah dan berorientasi pada kebutuhan pelanggan;
  • Mengoptimalisasi utilisasi sumber daya nasional yang didukung oleh SDM yang berwawasan global dengan menerapkan teknologi tepat guna dan terdepan;
  • Memberikan manfaat yang optimum bagi para pemangku kepentingan;
  • Menerapkan praktik bisnis berkelanjutan melalui tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, menjalankan tanggung jawab sosial dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan.


The employees and extended family of Pupuk Kaltim also apply the Corporate Values in their daily behavior which are summarized in AKHLAK as the Company`s new core values..

  • Trust

    Hold on to the trust given.

  • Competent

    Continue to learn and develop capabilities.

  • Harmonious

    Care for each other and respect differences.

  • Loyal

    Dedicated and prioritize the interests of the Nation and the State.

  • Adaptive

    Continue to innovate and enthusiastic in driving or facing any changes.

  • Collaborative

    Build a synergistic collaboration.


    Pupuk Kaltim is a state-owned company committed to providing the best results to support national fertilizer production. Pupuk Kaltim’s main businesses are the production and sale of Urea Fertilizers, Ammonia, and NPK Fertilizers for domestic and foreign markets. The company’s business activities according to the Articles of Association No. 07 August 30, 2019, article 3 are as follows:

    Running the distribution and trading of urea, ammonia, fertilizer products, petrochemicals, agrochemicals, agroindustries, and chemicals both domestically and internationally including imports of raw materials, supporting materials, fertilizer production equipment, and chemicals. In addition, to ensure and guarantee the industrial cycle of goods production for consumers, Pupuk Kaltim runs pre-marketing activities in all marketing lines. Corporately, this policy makes trading of raw materials for fertilizers a part of corporate business activities.

    In the service sector, Pupuk Kaltim does research and development consisting of the development of products, technology to plant maintenance services. The research on product development enables Pupuk Kaltim to develop new products that will be marketed through the retail market. In the field of plant maintenance services, Pupuk Kaltim continues to take part through the sale of services and equipment. The focus of Pupuk Kaltim's services business has grown with the implementation of precipalm, which is the management of smart farming solutions to improve agricultural efficiency and land productivity.


    Business Development Timeline


    The Groundbreaking of Fakfak Fertilizer Industrial Project


    Construction Project of Ammonium Nitrate Plant


    Establishment of Pupuk Kaltim


    Construction of the NPK Raw Materials Bulk Storage


    Construction of the Palm Oil Mill


    Construction of the Rail Mounted Harbor Crane in Jetty-4 (Tursina)


    Operation of Plant-5


    Construction of the Coal Warehouse


    Construction of Urea Bulk Storage (UBS) VI

    2011 - 2014

    Development of Plant 5

    1989 - 2002

    Construction of Plant 3, POPKA (UREA 1A) and Plant 4


    Construction of Plant 1 and Plant 2

      • Pupuk Indonesia Customer Service:
      • 0800 100 8001 (Toll Free)
      • 0811 991 8001 (WhatsApp)
      • Gedung Graha Phonska, Lt. 4. Jalan Tanah Abang III, No. 116 Jakarta Pusat 10160

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