Whistleblowing System


Whistleblowing System

Whistleblowing System is an application provided by Pupuk Kaltim for those who have information and want to report an act of indication of violation that occurred in Pupuk Kaltim.


PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur continuously strives to maximize the value of the company by applying the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) namely transparency, accountability, accountability, independence and fairness. Utilizing this method, the company is expected to have a strong competitiveness, both nationally and internationally.

The Circular Letter of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) as the Shareholder of PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur has ratified the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011 on the implementation of Good Corporate Governance to further strengthen the function of handling this violation as mechanisms required to respond to and manage the Company's risks.

In GCG implementation, whistleblowing is one of the internal control elements at the entity level that should be designed and implemented by the Company's established unit to:

  1. Identify, detect and resolve the possibility of corruption (fraud) and violation of applicable regulations that may harm the Company;
  2. Provide formal channels especially for employees of PT Pupuk Kaltim and third parties i.e. communities, vendors, customers and other stakeholders within the PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur to address the problem/complaint.

To support that, it is necessary to issue effective Guidelines for Reporting Alleged Violations (WBS) in order to participate in realizing good company management that is free of collusion, corruption and nepotism which is carried out by complying with applicable legal, moral and social norms. With the Guidelines for Reporting Alleged Violations (WBS), it is hoped that Company can:

  1. Implement a consistent work culture in upholding the Company's values;
  2. Build a system for handling reporting alleged violations that is responsive, transparent, safe and responsible;
  3. Provide clear and consistent procedures for reporting alleged violations;
  4. Provide a forum and guidance for Whistleblowers to convey allegations of violations or violations of Company policies and regulations as well as statutory regulations;;
  5. Encourage the development of a healthy business climate in accordance with GCG principles and a clean and transparent company image;
  6. Reduce financial and non-financial losses that occur due to violations through early detection;
  7. Improve the company's clean and transparent image.


Whistleblowing Guidelines

Pupuk Kaltim has updated the Guidelines for Reporting Alleged Violations (WBS) in 2023 which were set based on the Directors’ Decree Number 38/DIR/V.23 concerning Guidelines for Reporting Alleged Violations (Whistleblowing System) of PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur which is an amendment to the Directors’ Decree Number: 56/DIR/XI.17 dated 20 November 2017.

The report mechanism flow for an alleged violation through the Whistleblowing System is shown as follows.


Whistleblowing Guidelines

The report WBS reporting submission system mechanism can be seen as follow:

    • Pupuk Indonesia Customer Service:
    • 0800 100 8001 (Toll Free)
    • 0811 991 8001 (WhatsApp)
    • konsumen@pupuk-indonesia.com
    • Gedung Graha Phonska, Lt. 4. Jalan Tanah Abang III, No. 116 Jakarta Pusat 10160

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